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Meet Anne

What is your role and when did you start volunteering?
I do one-to-one teaching.ย  So far I have taught three students of varying ages.ย  I start volunteering in 2018.


What City of Sanctuary project(s) do you support?
I am involved in the teaching programme โ€“ supporting students to speak English as a second language (ESOL).


What do you enjoy most about your work with CoS?
I enjoy meeting people from different countries and seeing the progress students make as they become more integrated into the area.


How does the work you do and your project offer essential support for the asylum seeker and refugeeย community?
Access to the English language, which enables students to become more independent in their daily lives.


Is there anything else you can tell us about yourself and your work with CoS?
After retiring as a teacher, I was looking for an organisation which supported asylum seekers coming to England from different countries.ย  I had been involved in a similar scheme as a student.ย  I was very pleased to find the City of Sanctuary had such a programme.ย  It is a rewarding experience for all involved.


Photo byย Nathan Lemonย onย Unsplash